12-12, 18:15–18:35 (UTC), Dasharo User Group
Showing off DTS status and changes done in 2024 Q3 and Q4, presenting new supported hardware added, and latest user-side experience changes. Introducing and discussing plans and ideas for improvements in use and developing experience. Introducing DTS test coverage for fine-grained verification of security and stability.
The presentation will start by presenting DTS statistics through 2024 Q3 and Q4, including issues, community feedback, and contributions. Then, current problems will be pointed out and discussed with attendees. DTS roadmap for future quarters will be presented and corrected, merging ideas and propositions gathered from attendees.
See also:
Programming, electronics and cycling nerd, bookworm and very passionate in learning. Left his own country at seventeen years old for studying and working abroad, and still searching for a place to settle. A big critic of fatalism and a fan of what-you-are-is-what-you-do way of thinking.
In professional life tries to be as pedantic as possible, believes that nothing is perfect and nobody is perfect, and every solution should be questioned and evaluated. Likes to solve complex problems, even if it implies a lot of digging before stating the final solution. States that developing skills in different fields is important as well as perfecting a one field, because everything has its intersections and sometimes it is crucial to investigate something in a different angle.
Most of the time a workaholic, but sometimes a bit lazy. Not always punctual and often unconsciously altruistic.