Developers vPub 0xE

NovaCustom: new products and plans for the near future
03-20, 18:15–18:35 (UTC), Dasharo User Group

Last year, NovaCustom has launched the V54 and V56 laptop Series. While Qubes OS certification has been realised for these models, we are dedicated to make the firmware of these laptop series even better. Alongside the Heads firmware variant for these models, we will let you know what our plans are for the near future. Additionally, we will introduce some new products.

Wessel Klein Snakenborg is passionate about technology since childhood. He launched NovaCustom in 2015, crafting tailor-made laptops with privacy and security in mind. With a focus on user-friendliness, NovaCustom continues to redefine the laptop experience, led by Wessel's commitment to innovation and collaboration.