Bad UX is Bad Security: Adventures in Qubes OS UX Design
10-06, 14:10–14:40 (Europe/Berlin), Social Hub Main Room

Qubes OS is good at being secure, but bad at UX - that's the common knowledge. However, I would like to argue that bad UX can actually be bad security, and that bad design decisions are not just annoying, but can be actively detrimental to the security of the system.

Based on examples from my own work on Qubes OS and interesting cases from other software, I want to explore the directions Qubes OS user interface and interaction design is going, design principles that guide our work, and discuss some new exciting developments that happened in the last year.

After a varied collection of careers ranging from translation to data analysis, I currently am a Python programmer and UI/UX designer working on making Qubes OS more usable for everyone.

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