09-09, 14:00–14:30 (Europe/Berlin), Main Room
A brief overview of the current state of Qubes OS policy tools, the in-development graphical policy editor / configuration editor, the process of simplifying the complexities of policy configuration and design and implementation challenges.
As a continuation of last year's redesign of Application Menu, I have been working on making Qubes more accessible for non-expert users and on creating GUI tools for system configuration that would be friendlier and easier-to-use than existing tools. This time, I took on the challenge of creating a graphical editor for various policy files. This talk will cover the results of user research, the challenges encountered during design and implementation, and show off the tools created as a result of this research.
I am is an experienced Python developer, database admin, and analyst. After some years of working in corporate IT sector, I now work on Qubes OS, particularly on GUIs. I have a master's degree in psychology and math from the University of Warsaw.