From Zero to Hero: Video Tutorials for Qubes OS (fully recorded & edited on Qubes)
10-06, 14:50–15:20 (Europe/Berlin), Social Hub Main Room

Deeplow will be presenting his ongoing work on video tutorials for Qubes OS and how he set up his computer to be able to record and edit fully on Qubes OS.

Deeplow will be presenting his ongoing work on video tutorials for Qubes OS and how he set up his computer to be able to record and edit fully on Qubes OS. This is a continuation of the work on the integrated onboarding tutorial, but following a more pragmatic approach of recording video tutorials.

See also: Presentation (2.9 MB)

Deeplow has been using Qubes since R3.2 and is especially interested in making Qubes more accessible to at-risk populations like journalists and Human Rights defenders. He's currently working at Freedom of the Press Foundation on a Qubes-trusted-PDF-like tool called Dangerzone, but with OCR and compression (now being ported to Qubes).

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